Friday, October 24, 2008

PKSR4 was a blast!

Last Monday to Friday, was P.K.S.R.4. We studied very very hard. Everybody was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy on Friday when the exams were over. When the bell for the last exam rang, everybody in the whole school shouted like mad mad mad students. We shouted like Troy,Gabriella and the whole East High in High School Musical 2. And we all shouted our favourite motto "SCHOOL'S OUT, SCREAM AND SHOUT."


Aisya Zainal said...

actually,only 4 ros people who scream on that day..after the bell the way..this is aisyatul..

Aynn said...

Ha ha very funny!Actually we shouldn't be happy for that day.........